About Us
The Menzies Creek Hall Commmittee
Our Vision
Become the heart of the community where residents come together to meet, connect, learn, create, share and celebrate
Our Purpose
To transform the Menzies Creek Hall into a Community Centre that provides a multipurpose local space where all members of our community gather together for group activities, for public information, for learning and for social support in a warm, welcoming environment
What we Value
People and activities
Inclusiveness and a welcoming space for all
Health & wellbeing, connectedness and learning
Stewardship of the facility entrusted to our care
Engagement with local government, business and residential communities
Executive team members
Geoff Connor – President

A message from the President.
I have lived in the area since 2018 and really love living here. I decided to get involved with the Hall committee to lend a hand for the local community. The hall really needed a lot of work in many areas so we set a plan to slowly but surely made the necessary improvements. Since that time, the hall committee transformed the Menzies Creek Community Hall into a viable shared facility the whole community can enjoy. I do enjoy a challenge and doing whatever is required to make a change and improve the facility for all residents of Menzies Creek and surrounding suburbs. I am proud of all the committee members who have helped in this amazing transformation. We still have a long way to go but I am sure we will improve the facility even further in 2023 and beyond.
Over the next one to two years we will continue to promote and improve the community hall. Right now, I want to ensure every single resident of Menzies Creek is well aware that the community hall is available for private functions but more importantly, it is available to run events that are in high demand by the local residents. In 2022, we have a great opportunity to use the hall during the day every Monday and Wednesday in addition to the weekend and week nights. The Preschool continues to use the hall during the day every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
If you have an idea of something that many residents may find useful, please let me or the other committee members know. In the past, the hall has hosted Flower Shows, Garden Workshops, Table Tennis Clubs, Dances and much more. If you would like to run a single or on-going event, please let us know. Even better, join our great committee to continue this amazing transformation.
I am always available for a chat, my mobile number is 0431 232 796 and my personal email is geoffconnor@iinet.net.au
etelka anna elgersma – vice president

Etelka has lived in Menzies Creek for the past 20 years. She is a very active member of the community and always willing to lend a hand whenever asked. Etelka was elected into the position of Vice President in 2021.
Baishakhi Connor – Treasurer

After moving home 35 times across 4 continents, Baishakhi moved to Menzies Creek in 2018 and immediately fell in love with the community vibe that brought back childhood memories of growing up in small-town India. Baishakhi brings a vast amount of experience gathered from holding roles in corporate strategy/finance & investment banking, she currently works in a senior management position within Coles Head Office. She joined the Committee in 2018 and was elected Treasurer in 2019 when there was a vacancy. Baishakhi enjoys travelling, learning new skills, crunching numbers or curling by the fire with a book.
Liz – Secretary
Liz comes from a family of passionate local volunteers. Her father’s name adorns the Menzies Creek CFA wall. Her mother spearheaded many events at the Menzies Creek Hall back in the 1970’s. Liz is the longest serving Committee member and has taken on the important role of Secretary for 5 years. Apart from keeping us on top of our obligations as an Incorporated Association, Liz brings an enormous amount of enthusiasm to the Committee – always ready to pick up a rake or a brush at a working bee.
Shara Ulrick
Shara has been our booking agent and active member of the committee for many years. She can assist with any question related to hall booking. You can email her via info@MenziesCreekHall.org.au or use our booking form.