5G Tower Proposal

Minutes from the 5G community meeting of July 18 are now available to residents. 

if you would like a copy, please email     info@menziescreekhall.org.au 

Detailed Background Information


Notice of consultation regarding a proposed mobile phone base station 

at 49 School Road, Menzies Creek

Our reference: VIC100551 Menzies Creek PUMP

Amplitel (part of the Telstra Group) proposes the installation of a new 35m high monopole located at 49 School Road, Menzies Creek, at the site of the Puffing Billy Railway Museum, for a new mobile telecommunications facility.

The proposal is an outcome of the Federal Government Peri Urban Mobile Program (PUMP). The PUMP program is intended to provide new and improved mobile services in peri-urban areas where there is an identified bushfire risk. With the installation of the proposed tower, network coverage will significantly increase.  

CPS Infrastructure and Technology is undertaking community consultation on the proposal prior to any planning application being lodged with Yarra Ranges Council. Please find attached information on the proposal, including proposal plans and an environmental EMEM report. Further information can be obtained from www.rfnsa.com.au/3159002 or by calling the number below. Any submissions can be made until 5:00pm 16 July 2024 and additional information can be obtained by calling (02) 9300 1700.

Kind regards,

End Detailed Information